Friday, November 11, 2011

Lucicat eBook Server

We downloaded the .zip file from and unzipped them into a lucicat folder in the root of the web site.

Next we opened lucicat.ini in a text editor and set the following settings:

db_type: mysql
db_host: localhost
db_name: lucicat
db_user: lucicat
db_password: lucicat
db_prefix: luci_

We then go to the phpMyAdmin page and create the blank lucicat database and a user called lucicat with a password of lucicat who has all privileges on that database on localhost.

Next we edit lucicat/server/lucicat_settings.php and set the following:

$db_addr = 'localhost';

Next we have to figure out how to set the catalog but i can't seem to load the manual into Calibre.


Read manual and create a catalog

1 comment:

r3lay said...

Do you have a copy of lucicat, the website is offline and i really want this.