Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cloning the HD to SSD

We decided to try a carbon copy cloner like tool for windows call EaseUS Todo Backup which has a free trial version

download and install
Set the sata windows hard disk as the source
Set the SSD connect via a firewire dock as the target
Tick the Optimize for SSD check box
Tick the shutdown the computer when done
Start the clone

We notice it will not resize or remove partitions on the SSD which has an 83gig unformatted one that the windows 10 upgrade did not use...We could have re-partitioned the SSD before starting the clone, but we are assuming we can do that after the clone is done.

When clone is done:

- replace sata hd 500 gig with SSD
- reboot computer

Configure windows so it knows it has an SSD

re-run the Windows Experience Index.
Click "Re-Run the Assessment" and it should turn off de-fragmentation and turn on TRIM

Test by running de-frag
Click on "Disk Defragmenter"
"Select Disks".

Windows should  realize it's on an SSD and your SSD won't even be an option in this menu but if it still thinks it is a hard drive then...

disk speed rating went from 5.5 to 7.8

open terminal session and do:

fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

It will either give you a 0 or a 1 as a result. If you get a zero, that means TRIM is enabled.

OK everything works except that windows cannot 'extend'the partition to take in the 113gig unallocated space. I could create another partition but i want just one. So we need to boot to gparted and resize the partition.  No problem, good old gparted!

now we have a zippy game box for skyrim....

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