Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Install of MAMP and OMEKA on OS X 10.10.5

MAMP for OS X downloaded from which has the documentation here:

We are testing this as we have used it before and we had php errors with the xampp bitnami version on OS X.

  1. Download the pkg file and double-click to run the installer which installs to the Applications folder.
  2. We customize the install to de-select the mamp pro option
  3. Once installation is complete we copy the omega folder into Applications/MAMP/htdocs
  4. Now we double-click the MAMP app which loads the control panel
  5. Click Start Servers

Setup Omeka Database

The MAMP install runs a web browser and goes to http://localhost:8888 which means the web server is running on a non-standard port.

Click on Tools, phpMyadmin
Enter omega_db as the database name with a UTF8 unicode collation and click Create
Every database needs a user so we have to create one for the Omeka app (so it can be installed) and this will user account can be used by the app to create additional users inside the application. 
Note: The Linux instructions from Omeka use the mysqladmin client to set up the database.

  1. Click the SQL tab
  2. Enter the following SQL statements:

    insert into user(host, user, password)

    insert into db(host,db,user,Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv)
    values ('localhost','omeka_db','omeka_user','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');
  3. Click GO to execute the SQL

Set Privileges

We issue this sql, which is a quick hack instead of setting up them the right way...

use mysql;
grant all privileges on omeka_db 
to 'omeka_user'@'%' identified by 'zx8180';

What is odd is when we browse the records in the user table we still don't see the correct privs associated with the omega_user account either from localhost or from the network.

Perhaps the problem with xampp was the lack of privileges, the php install script may have failed because of this. So we edit the localhost omega_user row and change the N's to Y's and then refresh the database.

Configure Apache Web Server

  1. Navigate to Applications/mamp/apache/
  2. Right-click http.conf and open in a text editor 
  3. Change the default setting in the  to be:

    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
    Order allow,deny

Now save the file.

Set Omeka Database Configuration

This ini file is used by the app to find its database so it must match exactly what you set up in mySQL.

  1. Navigate to Applications/mamp/htdocs/omeka/
  2. Right-click on db.ini and edit with a text editor 
  3. Add the exact values for the database that you set up earlier and add port 8888 (although since apache conf looks there it is like you can leave it alone

host     = "localhost"
username = "omeka_user"
password = "zx8180"
dbname   = "omeka_db"
prefix   = "omeka_"
charset  = "utf8"
port     = "8888"

Select file,save and save the file.

Run the Omeka Installer

To install an 'amp' app, you go to its install web page, which usually runs some php scripts.

Run a web browser and go to http://localhost/omeka/install

OK same php database error message we got with xampp. 

Let's take a look at the folder permissions. snickers has read/write access to applications/mamp/htdocs/omeka but the rest are read only. Lets change that to read/write.

nope same error as with omega on xampp

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

looks like some digging in the omega docs or forums is needed!


Looks like apache mod_rewrite is not enabled on xampp or mamp for OSX. But it must be on xampp for windows as omega installed ok without having to manually configure mod_rewrite.


- test adding mod_rewite to apache on OS X and rerun the install


Not the problem as the httpd.conf file loads the rewrite module:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Reading the forums reveals problems installing omeka on mamp, particulry with imagemagick. We had solved imagemagick problems in 10.10.x before with greenstone but why go thru this again?  Several posters suggested xampp solves the mamp problems. Problem is the discussion is from 2 years ago. There was also postings of imagemagick problems with the windows install. 


- retry omeka on XAMPP but i am losing confidence in omeka as a replacement for greenstone. never had any problems installing a 'amp' app before.  

- test out the online free account option to see if a student could do a project there. The downside is they do not get the learning about installing lamp apps and the benefits of amp tech installed locally for learning. Of course having it all online will make it easier for someone to take over the course when i retire...

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