Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Install of OMEKA 2.3.1

Downloaded from http://omeka.org/download/ and the documentation is located at http://omeka.org/codex/Documentation

The instructions assume a linux server but we have an XAMPP setup. The usual steps to install a lamp app are to:

Open a mySQL client or use the phpmyadmin web app to create an database account and password for the app such as omeka. The SQL commands can also be put in a text file and executed. 

Set up the omeka user

use mysql;
insert into user(host, user, password) 
values('localhost','omeka_user',password('chosen password'))
insert into db(host,db,user,Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv) 
values ('localhost','omeka_db','omeka_user','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');

Set up the omeka database

Their documention uses mysqladmin to do this, not sure why....

mysqladmin -u root -p create omeka_db
mysqladmin -u root -p reload

Then they use a mysql client again to set the collation:


Wonder why they did not create the database in the client and set the char set and collation then. 

Then run a text editor and edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change the AllowOverride directives in the  block as follows:

Then restart the apache server. Unpack the omeka files from the .zip archive to /var/www/html/omeka

The apache user must have ownership of that directory, on linux you can do:

chown -R apache /var/www/html/omeka

On windows/mac it will be different. You then have to edit /var/www/html/omeka/db.ini with the following:

host     = "localhost"
username = "omeka_user"
password = "chosen password"
name     = "omeka_db"
prefix   = "omeka_"
;port     = ""

Open a web browser and go to http//localhost/omeka. If successful you can delete the install directory at /var/www/html/omeka/install


This install process needs to be an easy local install to xampp, wamp or mamp for FIMS students. This is how i think it could go:
  • Create an omeka folder under the web root
  • Run phpadmin and create a new database called omeka using UTF8 and unicode
  • Edit omeka/db.ini with the database info shown above
  • Edit apache httpd.conf file to enable mod_rewrite as shown above
  • Change permissions for all files in the omeka/files directory
  • On OSX open a terminal and do: sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/omeka/files
  • In windows you would have to select the folder and set the properties
  • In browser go to http://localhost/omeka or locahost/omeka/install
  • The dashboard is located at http://localhost/omeka/admin

Another option is that each student has to sign up for the free plan at omeka.net and build their digital collection there. The free account provides one (1) site and 500 MB of storage space. 

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