Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Install of Omega on OS X

System: Mac Pro
OSX: 10.10.5
Stack: XAMPP 5.6.12-0
Omeka: 2.3.1

Downloaded omeka 2.31 .zip file from the omega web site and unziped to Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/omeka. Htdocs is the root level of the web server.

  1. Next we navigate to /Applications/XAMPP and double-click the manager-osx icon which runs the XAMPP control panel. 
  2. Click the Manage Servers tab and START the mySQL server and START the Apache web server.
  3. Run Safari and go to http://localhost and select the phpMyAdmin link
Set up the Database and User
  1. Click the Databases tab
  2. Enter omeka_db in the create database text box
  3. Select uff8_unicode_ci from the collation pull-down menu
  4. Click CREATE
  5. Select the SQL tab
  6. Enter the following SQL:
use mysql;
insert into user(host, user, password) 

insert into db(host,db,user,Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv) 
values ('localhost','omeka_db','omeka_user','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');

Click GO and then Return to the XAMPP control panel and STOP and then START the mySQL server

Configure Apache

Navigate to Applications/XAMPP/xampfiles/apache2/conf
Right-click on httpd.conf and open in a text editor or textedit if you have to

The default order is:

AllowOverride All
Allow from all
Order allow,deny

So you do not have to change  anything!  Close the file. Next i checked the omeka folder permissions and it seems fine.

Set Omeka Database Configuration

This ini file is used by the app to find its database so it must match exactly what you set up in mySQL.
  1. Navigate to /xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/omeka/
  2. Right-click on db.ini and edit with a text editor or textedit
  3. Add the exact values for the database that you set up earlier
host     = "localhost"
username = "omeka_user"
password = "zx8180"
dbname   = "omeka_db"
prefix   = "omeka_"
charset  = "utf8"
port     = ""

Select file,save and save the file.

Note: by leaving the port value empty it uses the default port 80. If you are running on a non-standard port you will want to change this.

So now back to the web browser and phpMyAdmin to install the omeka app.

Install Omeka

Run a web browser and go to http://localhost/omeka/install and the installer php script runs.

we get a php error

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: 
nodename nor servname provided, or not known

This looks like a database connect error. Wonder if this is the same problem we had on windows with the omeka_user not having priviledges?

Back to myPhpAdmin to add privileges, click on the SQL tab and we do:

use mysql;
grant all privileges on omeka_db 
to 'omeka_user'@'%' identified by 'zx8180';

and we restart the mysql server. ok back to the web browser and try the install again:

same error - looks like a problem in the php configuration?  Wondering if this OSX XAMPP which is the bitnami version has issues?  We used vanilla xampp for the windows install - let's backtrack and see if we can do a vanilla xampp for osx.


Delete existing XAMPP in applications
Download and install new non-bitnami xampp

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