Thursday, September 3, 2015

Omeka Project 


Meghan: to create a digital collection using Omeka (fill in details later)

Gord:  to evaluate if LIS 9720 can be switched from using Greenstone to Omeka.

This blog will be used as documentation for the project. Meghan and Gord are the authors. Omeka version in use is 2.3.1. Read the Release Notes here. Documentation for Omeka can be found in our Dropbox/Omeka folder here.

My current thinking is that for teaching FIMS courses we should use XAMPP ( as it needs no install, can be used as a portable app, and is more consistent across OS's than wamp/mamp so less problems with software version incompatibles.

And Bitnami ( works with XAMPP. See for a list of lamp apps.

The question now is:

Do we install XAMPP first and then add Bitnami? The XAMPP site does not have a ver 7 ready yet but notes that Bitnami does. It is a LAMP stack tho'. I think we shall stick with XAMPP because of the cross-platform functionality - making it easier to support students on different OS's. Plus it does not disturb the other services i have running on those machines.

One of the major reasons for wanting to move away from Java based apps to lamp apps is to get away from the incompatibilities introduced with each major and minor revision to an OS (looking at you Apple and Microsoft). It is almost impossible to support all the variations.

Our test platforms will be:

  • Mac Pro 6 core xeon, 32 gig, running OSX 10.10.5
  • Dell 8 core xeon, 16gig, running Windows 7 64 bit
  • Intel Quad Core, 8 gig, running Linux Mint 17.2 64 bit

Later on we can test on lower end machines like dual core 4 gig laptops.

First step is to install XAMPP on all 3 platforms.

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